
October 17, 2022

Inenco and GGF to Co-host a Webinar Exclusively for GGF Members

Inenco and GGF to Co-host a Webinar Exclusively for GGF Members

Energy is on everyone’s mind at the moment and we all can’t help but see that prices have been rising rapidly, so in partnership with Inenco, we will be hosting a webinar exclusively for GGF Members to inform you as to why prices are so high and methods you can implement to mitigate price increases. 

The webinar will be on the 25th of October at 11:00am until 11:30am, on Microsoft Teams.

It will be covering energy procurement that will enable you to better understand: 

  • What is happening in the energy market?
  • Why are prices so high?
  • What might happen next?
  • How can you best mitigate the impact of rising prices?
  • What factors should you consider in shaping the right energy trading strategy?

Please join us for what we hope will be an insightful and valuable session. You can sign up for the webinar by Clicking Here, we hope to see you there. 

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