
August 20, 2021

Increasing the knowledge

Increasing the knowledge

At Members’ Day, Anda Gregory, GGF Chief Development Officer will deliver a presentation on the recently released GGF Market Knowledge Report. In this interview, Anda provides the background to the report and shares some next steps for the project.  

What can Members expect from your presentation?

I’ll be taking members through the highlights from our new market knowledge report and the insights it contains. The report is based on the data we have in the group companies, and, in particular, work notified to FENSA. There’s been a dearth of market data and intelligence since the Palmer report ended in 2017 and it’s a problem raised repeatedly by our members and the wider industry, so we’ve been keen to find a way to help. The report is our first step towards delivering the data and analysis that our members need to help feed into their business decision-making.

How challenging is it to get accurate information on the glass and glazing market?

Very! We’re in a lucky position that we have a lot of data in FENSA due to 6,300 FENSA Approved Installers notifying work to us, equating to 550,000 installations and covering 2.5 million windows and doors installed each year. And although at a high level, we also know the number of jobs notified through our competitors as the government publishes this information, it doesn’t capture the ‘grey market’ of installers who don’t use a competent person scheme, which is difficult to estimate. There remains a gap in the non-residential replacement parts of the market such as commercial and new build.

What are the broad areas that will be covered?

I’ll be discussing the insights we have on what’s happened in the market over the last few years, along with the outlook for the rest of the year and beyond. The report covers the general economic backdrop, the industry’s performance and challenges, with a more detailed dive into FENSA installation statistics since 2018. It also covers what our assessors are told by homeowners in terms of work they’ve had done and BFRC’s energy rating licences. I’ll then go on to cover how we want to provide further support to our members on data and knowledge going forward.

How will members benefit from or be expected to use the Market Report?

This is only the first step into what we aim to provide on data going forward, but we believe that the report already contains some really useful statistics and trends that will help our members to make business decisions and to get a better understanding of what’s happening in the broader market. If they are installers in the residential replacement market, they will be able to compare their performance over the last three years to the market average.

Without giving too much away, what are the next steps on this project?

Early next year we plan on re-launching the FENSA Knowledge Hub which is a tool that allows FENSA Approved installers (which includes most consumer-facing GGF members) to see their own data in real-time compared to the aggregated total FENSA figures and averages. As part of this, we will add secure, restricted access for the rest of the market to be able to see those aggregated figures. Over time, we aim to build up the type of data available to provide ever greater knowledge for the market.  


Members’ Day promises to be another superb GGF event exclusively for Members.

Book your free place via the online booking form click here to access

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