Updated GGF Rules – What Does It Mean?
How Will It Impact My Membership?
Our aim is that these changes in structure will help you to get more out of your GGF membership. The newly focused Federation Board will have more time to spend on matters that directly impact you in your day to day business and assist with developing and improving the member value proposition.
Who Will Sit On The Group Board?
The make up of the Group board will consist of the following:-
An Independent Chair, GGF Group CEO, Chief Finance Officer, 2x Independent Non-Executive Directors, the Federation Board Chair and the Company Secretary.
The Group Board will oversee the execution and implementation of the Group Strategy and ensure decisions are made in the best interests of the wider GGF Group. It will represent the long term views of the GGF community and drive the collective group purpose; to be a collection of independent businesses which exist to support the best interests of the wider GGF Group and our industry.

Who Decides Who Will Sit On The New Group Board?
The Independent Chair of the Group Board will recruit non-executive directors with the specific skills and knowledge required. Ratification will take place through a scrupulous recruitment process and approval at the newly formed Remunerations and Nominations Committee. GGF Membership will be represented on the GGF Group Board by the Federation Board Chair.
Does This Give The Federation Board Greater Influence?
The new set up will ensure the Group Board helps oversee a collaborative approach where decision making is inclusive. All boards and their members will be expected to engage in open and transparent communication ensuring voices are heard and trust in the long term objectives of the GGF Group is achieved. Decisions will be made collectively with the best interests of the entire organisation, and all facets of the industry, in mind.
What Rules Do The New Board Adhere To?
The newly formed GGF Group Board and the Federation Board with its new remit will both adhere to the updated version of the GGF Rules that will be received by members at the AGM in September and signed off by the current Board of Directors. The Group Board will also have to discharge fiduciary duties as set out in the Companies Act and will be required to sign an undated letter of resignation upon appointment.
Why Is This Happening?
There is currently a big gap in the perception of what the GGF Board does and is expected of them and what happens in reality. A large proportion of the current time the Board sits is spent discussing operational matters relating to the commercial division, this new structure will enable the individuals that sit on the board to utilise their expertise in the best interests of the Federation.
The Federation Board will act as a consultancy conduit for members’ voices, fostering transparency, accountability, and trust within the federation. By actively engaging with the GGF community, the board will make informed decisions that align with the collective goals and values of the most important community in glass and glazing.
What Happens If The Group Board Disagrees With Decisions Made By Other Boards & Who Has The Final Say?
All companies within the Group are wholly owned subsidiaries with ultimate control resting with the parent company that is represented by the Group Board.
The Group Board will be responsible for setting and monitoring the strategic direction of the whole Group of companies. This also allows for parity of investment across each of the business areas, unlocking valuable resource. The GGF is a relatively small organisation yet the opportunity to be agile has always been under exploited.
The GGF Group Board’s remit will not to be competitive or obstructive to the needs of the Federation, nor the needs of the subsidiary businesses, but to support and nurture culture maturity and this will include exploiting growth opportunity. Exponential growth will allow the GGF the latitude to retain industry authority for all customers and members of the Group.
In a mature and effective operation, decision making is done through discussion and debate. This includes a common requirement to communicate with professionalism and clarity, pulling pertinent points out from key information. In the event that the Group Board declines a proposal, there will be an expectation to simply re-shape and re-analyse a proposal.
To view the current existing members of the GGF board, please click here.