
May 29, 2020

Technical Update: Approved Document B (Fire Safety) Amendments

Technical Update: Approved Document B (Fire Safety) Amendments

The Government has published its Amendments to the 2019 edition of:

Approved Document B: Fire Safety

Vol. 1 – Dwellings

Vol. 2 – Buildings other than dwellings

These changes focus on residential blocks of flats and mixed use buildings containing flats.

Transitional period

The changes in the amendment booklet take effect on 26th November 2020. They do not apply where an initial building notice has been given to or full plans deposited with a local authority and either the building work to which it relates has started before that date or is started before 29th January 2021.

Main Changes

Cover sprinkler provision and new guidance on consistent wayfinding signage which will apply to flats with a top floor more than 11m above ground level. This includes the erection of new buildings, material alterations, material changes of use and extensions as set out in Regulation 3 of the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended). 

Although these changes are not glazing related the Consultation regarding Approved Document B – ‘Review of the ban on the use of combustible materials in and on the external walls of buildings including attachments’ has now closed on Monday 25th May.

Ben Wallace, GGF Senior Technical Officer, commented on the work the GGF has carried out on this important consultation, “The GGF has fully responded to the Government consultation through the GGF’s Approved Document B Working Party and by submitting all supporting evidence. We will await further information to keep Members updated and are fully expecting further review of Approved Document B in the near future.”

You can view/download the full Approved Document B amendments recently published by the Government by clicking here

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