
June 3, 2018

New GGF ladder safety guide now available for free download

New GGF ladder safety guide now available for free download

The GGF has launched a new health and safety guidance leaflet promoting best practice and safety awareness when using ladders and working at height.

Working at Height Safely with Ladders is designed to provide workers with best practice guidelines for those situations when ladder use is unavoidable. The document will not replace ladder safety training but simply give the right guidance.

Philip Pinnington, GGF Director of Health and Safety, explained: “The regulations make it very clear that working from ladders is very hazardous and should be the last resort, whilst other forms of access must be applied where possible. However, some installations do require employees to work from ladders for short periods such as when removing soffits, replacing beading or simply sealing units.”

“Working at Height Safely with Ladders” is now available in the Publications section of the GGF website.

All these activities are short duration tasks that are permitted by the regulations, but employers should ensure their employees follow proper guidance. In 2016, statistics show that 25 people died from falls at height. In the same period nearly 5,000 non-fatal injuries were sustained by workers who fell from height. Although not resulting in death, many of these injuries resulted in life-changing conditions.

Historically, the window replacement industry functioned from the outside of buildings and commonly used ladders. Since the introduction of the Working at Height Regulations, the home improvement sector has found ways to make installation of replacement windows safer, and this is now regularly done from the inside.

If yours is a company that regularly has to use ladders the GGF recommends providing appropriate training. The GGF works closely with The Ladder Association and is happy to help Members in identifying the most appropriate training provider in their local area.

GGF Member download: Working at Height Safely with Ladders

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