Members News

October 18, 2018

Look out for the Timberweld® mark of perfectly sealed corners

Look out for the Timberweld® mark of perfectly sealed corners

Recently, you might have noticed a Timberweld® sticker in the top left hand corner and the top right hand corner of your newly delivered sash windows.  On the left, externally, you see the Timberweld® corner logo and on the right, internally you see the three steps that make up a Timberweld® butt joint.

Presently, you will typically notice these stickers on Vintage Traditional sash windows.

This is an important symbol, confirming that the windows you have received come with patented Timberweld® technology, exclusively licenced to Masterframe for sash windows. 

The technology ensures that windows are perfectly sealed inside and out and aesthetically authentic enough to impress the planners in conservation areas.  You may wish to point out to your customer that the joints are completely sealed from the elements, with no open chambers to allow in water, draughts and flies – a sound investment!

Read more about Timberweld® here.  If you are a flush casement or door manufacturer and would like to secure a Timberweld® licence, email


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