Future Homes

January 5, 2017

What homeowners really think about energy efficient glazing

What homeowners really think about energy efficient glazing

We asked homeowners around the UK what they really think about glazing, home improvements, energy efficiency and more – here’s a first look at the results.

row of victorian houses, myglazing consumer survey

MyGlazing.com recently commissioned an independent survey of 2,000 homeowners, revealing useful insights into home improvements, energy efficiency knowledge and what house hunters look for when buying a property.

The research also delved into the understanding of Consumer Codes of Conduct, revealing that more knowledge is needed to arm homeowners with extra protection when making investments in home improvements.

James Lee, GGF Director of Marketing and Communications said: “With all the work the GGF and MyGlazing.com is doing to help homeowners improve their properties, it was important for us to gain a deeper understanding of property owners, their views, opinions and buying habits.

“The results have proved extremely insightful and interesting – from the measures people take to stay warm in their properties, through to how much they’re spending on essential home improvements vs non-essential items.

“We’ll be using the knowledge we’ve gained to ensure the Be Informed and Ideas sections of the MyGlazing.com website are relevant, helpful and exciting for those who want to use glass and glazing to breathe new life into their property.”

A selection of the headlines from the survey include:

Energy efficiency

  • 62% of consumers are unaware that more than 20% of heat energy in the home is lost through inefficient windows and doors
  • 37% are surprised to find that 23% of heat energy in the home is lost through inefficient windows and doors
  • 54% of homeowners have energy efficient windows and doors installed
  • Almost 75% would consider energy efficient windows and doors important when buying a new home
Related: A guide to energy efficient glazing

Consumer codes

  • 30% said they have referred to a Consumer Code of Practice when making a purchase
  • Only 17% said they have never heard of a Consumer Code of Practice
Related: The GGF Consumer Code of Practice

General consumer views

  • 57% would install new windows and doors to increase the value of their home; only 10% would never consider this as a means of increasing value
  • 67% of homeowners spent money on home improvements in 2016
  • Energy-saving tops the list of reasons why homeowners would install new windows, at 35%, whilst 25% say money-saving is their first priority and 14% want to keep out noise
  • 29% of homeowners will consider making home improvements in the next 18 months

Keep up to date with our blogs and news stories to find out more about the findings, and how the research can benefit you and your home.