Home renovations can keep you virus-free as well as warm, says study
Renovating your home can help reduce energy costs, but did you know it could improve your health too?

Most homeowners know that by improving the energy efficiency of their homes they can achieve considerable savings on energy costs, but independent research has shown that making energy efficient home improvements such as installing new windows can also improve your health.
Renovation – just what the doctor ordered?
That’s according to a new study by Humboldt University and the Velux Group, which reveals the link between energy efficiency and health in European homes.
The Healthy Homes Barometer 2016 says that Europeans who live in cold or mouldy homes are 50% more likely to suffer from illnesses such as nose and throat infections.
Unsurprisingly, the study – based on a survey of 14,000 Europeans from 14 countries – notes that when respondents were asked why Europeans renovate their homes, the top two responses were the wish to reduce energy costs and the desire to improve overall wellbeing at home.
Modern energy efficient glazing
If you’re looking for ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency, your windows could be an excellent place to start. Over the past 10-15 years innovations in glazing technology have led to significant improvements in energy efficient glazing.
This means that if the double or single glazed windows in your home are more than 15 years old, chances are that replacing them with modern energy efficient glazing could have a dramatic effect on your home’s energy use – and your overall health and life.
Discover your potential energy savings
MyGlazing.com is packed full of advice and information to help you make the right choice when choosing energy efficient windows, doors or conservatories.
Our newest feature is the GGF Energy Savings Calculator. This online tool helps you to calculate the potential savings you could enjoy as a result of installing energy efficient glazing.
Try the calculator and find out how much you could save or to find out more about the benefits of installing energy efficient glazing, contact your local GGF Member company.